Living in Harmony

The earth is a living library.

The Italian Renaissance, which lasted from the 14th to 17th centuries, is known as a time of intellectual transformation that shifted the focus from “divine” to “human.” Now, in the 21st century, we are entering an era where, in order to survive on our planet, we must transform our present focus on "human” towards one that integrates human and nature. Doing so requires a prioritization of the local economy—with a particular restructuring of our food systems. At Villa Meleto, we aim to play a role in this reinvention. We abide by a farm-to-table philosophy that not only nourishes the body with nutrients from the earth, but nourishes the soul with connection to the local community. 

Villa Meleto is surrounded by 400 acres of land rich in olives, grapes, lavender, sunflowers, and truffles. We treasure our land, and we take care of it. Our farm, which is called Donna Gilda in remembrance of Carmencita’s grandmother, is run by local hands who tend to the livestock and plants. Our food and wine products are provincially sourced and made.

The restoration of Villa Meleto involves the spirit, the art, and the knowledge of the local community.


“Il sapere è come i cerchi prodotti nell’onda del lago dal sasso scagliatovi in mezzo. Essi parton da un centro e si estendono alla periferia, ma vi giungono sempre più languidi a misura che si allontanano da quello… Un libro può irradiare tutt’all’intorno qualche lume, ma diraderà poco le tenebre dell’errore, specialmente nelle campagne se non è coadiavato dall’esempio pratico, dalle applicazioni effettive di quanto insegna. Però le scuole d’Agricoltura, i poderi modelli, gli Istituti agrari fanno maggior bene… associano l’esperienza e la pratica al precetto e alla teoria.”

-Cosimo Ridolfi, Saggio di agrologia, 1865, pg. 12